Some of the ways we can help...

 We can help in all manner of ways

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Personal Care

Our carers can help with all aspect of personal care within the client’s own home to maintain as much independence as possible.

A daily routine could be assistance with getting out of bed, washing, bathing or showering as required. Help with dressing and once ready, preparation of client’s chosen breakfast.

Health Monitoring

Victoria Pook’s carers prompt or assist with medication and will accompany the client to the dentist and doctor for appointments.

All our carers are first aid trained and complete additional training courses for more specialised service user groups in addition to the frail elderly.

Domestic Tasks

Victoria Pook can provide the right help for every room of the home. All staff are fully trained and insured and wear uniforms.

We can arrange weekly cleans, spring cleans or daily cleans of bathroom, kitchen and bedroom. Laundry and ironing can be taken care of. A programme can be arranged for whatever help you need in your home.

Meal Preparation

The day can start with preparation of the clients preferred breakfast, followed by the preparation of lunch and then dinner.

We try to assist with healthy living as much as possible.

Shopping can also be arranged by the carer to ensure everything is available for a client’s needs.

Oncare Mobile Care Planning System

We use a mobile and web application to manage our records, allowing our care staff to log their daily visits in real time. The application is completely free for the client and any visiting healthcare staff to securely view in the client’s home.

A family member can be granted remote access to Oncare to view their loved one’s care notes and relevant information. You can now see the real time record of the care that is being delivered to your family member from the comfort of your own home.

Get in Touch...

9 + 14 =

You can find our office located at:
3 Weeks Court
Avenue Road
Isle of Wight